Thursday, September 30, 2010

Greats things in my life

Lately I have had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for the things in my life. And with Thanksgiving quickly approaching I thought it would be an appropriate time to talk about some things that I am most grateful for in my life...

1. My job. I love what I do. Some people think that I am crazy for being a dental assistant and don't understand how I can work in peoples mouths all day long but I love it. I love my boss he is the best guy to work for and the people that I work with are awesome. I really lucked out in getting into the office that I did. And lets face it without my job I would have no money which would mean I wouldn't have my car or be able to do all the fun things that I do.

2. My friends. Over the years I have had alot of friends. But in the past few years I have made some of the best friends of my life. They are such great examples to me and no matter what we are doing we always have fun. I have made quite a few friends that I consider great friends and I know I can go to any one of them for anything. I have been richly blessed with amazing friends.
They have helped shape me to the person that I am today.

3. My nephews. I have 4 nephews. Kelly is the mother of 3 of them, Zane is the oldest he is 7, then Rhett who is 4, and the youngest is Brock and 1. Alisha has Paxton who 10 months. These 4 little boys are so much fun. I always thought I wanted nieces but I was wrong. Boys are SO MUCH fun! Zane is getting to the age where he loves to do boy things. Not little boy things but actually watch a real movie, not a cartoon. Its funny to watch him because the age he is at now is the age where I remember alot of my childhood. Rhett is the most head strong child I have ever met in my life. You will be ready to ring his neck and he will look at you and say the cutest thing and your heart melts and you just can't be mad at him. Brock, oh what to say about this child. He is the most dare devil child Kelly has. She will call me with stories about that kid that I just laugh about. He gets into everything and he is just so dang cute. Love him. And Paxton. Oh man this kid is so FUNNY. He makes me laugh all the time. He gets so excited about things and is the happiest baby I have ever met. His little eyes just twinkle and light up when he sees you. My nephews are my life. I love them more than I thought possible to love. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them. I love being an aunt and spoiling them. I just hope they remember the things I have done for them when I am old and need their help. There was one day I was at Kelly's house and we were joking about me not being married and I asked Zane if he would take care of me when I was old. He looked at me and kind of laughed and said No. We all busted out laughing. I guess I better pray Alisha has a girl sometime so that I will have a niece that will take care of me.

4. My sisters. I have the 2 best sisters a girl could ask for. I am the youngest of 3 girls. My oldest sister Kelly constantly was saving me when I was little. She was my second mom. When my sister Alisha was suppose to be watching me and decided that she no longer wanted to watch me and left me in a thunderstorm outside, who came to the rescue? That's right Kelly. She is such a kind hearted person. I love her with all my heart. Her and I were always close and I knew I could talk to her about anything. When I moved to Calgary to go to school her and I started getting closer. I would go up and see her on the weekends alot of the time, and I talked to her every day on the phone. Kelly and I are 5 years apart and even though we were close, that 5 years was a big difference in age. About 3 years ago her and I had the best bonding time I think we could ever have. We did a full 24 hour makeover paint job on her house. I kid you not we painted for a straight 24 hours, (well maybe 22.5, we slept for about an hour BAD IDEA) anyways for most of this 24 hour period it was just her and I around and we found out alot of about each other that neither of us knew. It is one of the best memories of my life and since then our relationship has blossomed into something beautiful. I don't know what I would do without her in my life. I talk to her for HOURS at a time. She is an amazing person and I love her to bits. My sister Alisha. Well her and I were never what you can call "close" sisters. We fought ALOT growing up. She hated me. I'm not even kidding when I say that she will fully admit, which she has to me that she hated me. Before I came along she was the baby for 3 years and she did not like that I took her spot light. While growing up Alisha and I had a crazy sort of relation ship. We would fight and yell and scream at each other, and walk away and about 5 minutes later we were laughing and having fun together. I don't know why but her and I fought like cats and dogs, but never stayed mad at each other for very long. Alisha is the sister that knows more of my secrets than any other person. Its not that I don't trust anyone else with them, but I always knew she was a safe person to tell them to. I trust her with my life. She would do anything for me and I for her. She is such a strong girl and has been a great example to me in my life. She is honestly one of the funniest people I know. When we are together as a family playing games, she is the entertainer. Without her there would be less laughing that's for sure. She usually has Kelly laughing to the point of squeaking as we call it, or not breathing at all. One of the things that I love most about her is that she always tells me she loves me. Every time I see her or talk to her on the phone, she makes sure to tell me she loves me before I leave or we say good bye on the phone. I have the best sisters in the world and I love them to bits!

5. My parents. What to say about my parents? I love them more than I can express. My mom is such a rock. I can go to her about anything and she is always willing to listen and to give me advice. Even if it isn't the advice I want to hear, and even if it is the same problem over and over. She lovingly sits and listens to me rant, or sits and lends a comforting shoulder to cry on. She is my best friend and I don't know what I would do without her. My dad is my dad. There isn't really any other way to describe him. He is the the biggest pest I know, but he is also the most loving, most generous person I know. If anyone needs anything my dad will be there to help. He is a great example to me in my life. He can fix anything that needs to be fixed. My dad has been there for me through thick and thin. I know he is always there for me and that I can go to him no matter what my problem is. He is also the best spider hunter/killer around. No matter the size of the spider, if there is one in my room or one in close proximity to me, my dad is to the rescue and kills it. I may get razed a little but none the less, he protects me. My dad is one of my hero's and I know I wouldn't be the person I am today without him. He taught me to be a hard worker and very much instilled the saying, if your going to be a big girl at night, your going to be a big girl in the morning and go to work. As much as I hated it when he would say this to me it taught me that I got to reap the rewards of my actions. My parents are the best around. They showed us girls how to love through their example. I know my parents have a great love for each other and for me, my sisters, my brother in laws and of course their 4 amazing grandsons.

6. My testimony. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am so grateful that I was born into a family who raised me in this religion. I have a testimony of my Saviour Jesus Christ. I know he lives, I know he loves me and I know that there is nothing that I have to go through alone because he is here for me. I have felt his love for me on so many occasions in my life. His love for me is endless and I couldn't be more grateful for that. I look forward to the day when I get to see him again and get to have his loving arms around me. He died for me and he atoned for me. How ungrateful would I be if I didn't try to live my life in a way that he would be proud of me? I am so grateful to a 14 year old boy who went and prayed in a grove of tree's and asked a question, which in turn gave us the knowledge and religion I am part of today. Last year I had the opportunity to be a part of the institute choir. One of the songs that we sang was I Believe in Christ. Our chorister Sister Stacy Wilde put the testimony of Bruce R. McConkie in during a section of the song. When I heard this testimony for the first time the Spirit bore such witness to me of the truthfulness of this mans beautiful words of Christ and his Atonement. His testimony is such a powerful statement and I am so grateful for great leaders of this church that share such amazing messages with us. I attached the testimony of Bruce R. McConkie its kind of long but well worth the time to listen to it.



  1. I laughed, I cried....great post honey! Love you!

  2. I concur with the laughing and the crying and the great posting. Love you!

  3. psh I totally didn't laugh or cry...yeah okay whatever, I totally did okaaaay? Gosh! Sweet post..loved it...Love YOU!
