Thursday, April 26, 2012

Random Ramblings

It has been a while since I have posted and they have gone and changed it up, it took me a minute to figure out how to create a new post. Well since it has been quite a while since I have posted I'm going to do a random list of the going ons in my life as of late...

1. I went to Ottawa in February to surprise my friend who had just got home off her mission and I LOVED IT! (sorry no pictures I don't know how to get them on the computer with my moms camera) I never thought that this prairie girl would like a city out in eastern Canada, but I did. There was so much to do and it is such a nice city, even in the dead of winter, I look forward to going back when its warm out and -4 doesn't feel like -35, that part I didn't so much love. All I can say is you haven't lived til you have eaten a Beaver Tail. Mmm makes my mouth water just thinking about it.

2. My 5 year old nephew comes up with the darndest things to say. Last month I went up to watch Kell and Cliffs kids over night so they could make a flying trip down to SA for a funeral and while I was there me and Rhett (5 year old nephew) were sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch and he informed me that his older brother Zane had a birthday coming up soon, which he did. He then informed me that he was going to be turning 9, which is correct, and then he said "yup he's turning 9 which means he's almost a parent." It was a very enlightening moment in my life, I didn't realize that 9 was the magical age to which you becoming a parent. I apparently missed the line up on that one cuz 9 was a LONG time ago and I'm still not a parent.

3. During Easter break my BFF's family ditched her and went to Vegas so I stayed with her most of the time while they were gone. 2 of those days we decided to have pinterest days and baked a lot of stuff. I realized that baking is actually kind of fun and that maybe my future husband and children won't be deprived of goodies.

4. Sometimes I wish the path in life that my Heavenly Father would like me to follow could be mapped out on like a cheat sheet that you could look at once ever 2 or 3 years just to make sure you are on the right path. I feel like I am in limbo lately and have NO idea what I'm supposed to be doing. It gets a little frustrating sometime.

5. I have realized not to judge things that you have not yet tried. Like for instance...I put off getting pinterest for so long. Kelsey (my bff) would always have these great idea's and when I would ask her where she got the idea her response would be pinterest...I wanted to punch her in the face most times cuz I thought this was the stupidest waste of time you could do, however while with her over Easter she convinced me to sign up and now I am addicted. I love it, you can get some pretty fantastic ideas on that site. Example number 2...skinny jeans, I hate skinny jeans, have fought buying a pair for years, swore I would never own a pair, then I bought a really cute pair of boots and needed to buy a pair so I could wear my boots with them, cuz I like that look, so I bought a pair and I LOVE THEM! I should have converted years ago. I want to get myself another couple of pairs. They are just darling with so many things. This was an instant love, as soon as they were on my body I knew I was converted.

6. I am running out of random ramblings so my last random is that I'm going to Utah next week with my BFF Kait and I'm super excited. I get to go to the Salt Lake Temple. Since being endowed I have only been to the the Cardston Temple and I am so excited to go to another Temple to enjoy the beauty of another House of the Lord.

Stay tuned maybe something excited will happen in Utah and I will have fun stories to tell

- Kinsey

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

26...? Alright lets roll with it

Well its official. I am old, I even have a wrinkle in my forehead to prove it. Turning 26 is kind of cereal (spelling..? no idea how to spell that word hopefully you all know what I'm trying to say) but anyways back to turning 26, it just sounds so much older than 25. I am officially into my mid 20's. Where has the time gone? It seems like yesterday I was in high school slacking off with my friends, not having a real care in the world other than my oh so important social life. How does time go by so fast?

Its been a fun birthday, probably one of the best in a while. Yesterday I went out to mom and dads for bday dinner which was yummy, we had my favorite hamburgers, potato salad, cesar salad and chips with carrot cake for dessert. Mmm my mouth is watering just thinking about it, and come to think of it, I didn't even take left overs home...well enjoy mom and dad. So Alisha and my adorable nephew Paxton came out to celebrate as well, and as a surprise to me Kell and her three boys were on their way down from Sylvan Lake to surprise me for my bday, sadly a stupid snow storm had to damper that plan and they ended up staying at my aunts house in High River for the night. Of course because its my bday it had to snow, hardly NO snow all winter, but for my bday mother nature had to put in a speacial request. Thanks for that.

However not all the fun was lost due to the storm, Kell and the boys braved the snow/ice covered roads and made the rest of the journey this morning so Kell could come out for bday dinner with me, Lish and mom and then out to a movie. We went to The Vow. I LOVED IT! So all in all its been a really good bday.

So I have been reflecting back on this past year and since I am now 26 I want to share 25 things that I have learned/discovered this year hopefully I can come up with that many...

1. the beginning of this past year I really learned that boys suck and that I really need to start looking for a man, it may be hard to find, but I have faith that they still exist and I will succeed in finding me a good one.

2. I have more patients than I thought. Certain situations at work showed me this.

3. I am really good at my job, its been a tough year but because of it I am a dang good dental assistant.

4. I absolutely LOVE being an aunt.

5. Going along with number 4...I am a really good aunt, now I'm not trying to toot my own horn here, but when I go to visit my nephews, no matter what they are always really excited to see me. I get big hugs and excited stories and when I go up to see Kell and the boys I even get a countdown of how many sleeps til Auntie gets there, and then the question begins when is auntie going to be here about a million times on the day of my arrival. I'm loved and its great.

6. I am independent woman. I have truly realized that I don't need a guy in my life to make me feel complete.

7. I have the most amazing friends.

8. the Temple is truly the house of the Lord. I was able to go through to receive my endowment last March and I have tried to make it to the temple at least once a month since then and it has been a huge blessing in my life.

9. never say the phrase..."I never want that calling..." in regards to a church calling because you will get it.

10. Being an FHE "Ma" hasn't been as bad as I was expecting it to be

11. I love teaching relief society, never thought I would say that, but it is always a really good experience

12. Zumba is a blast! I have only done it 1 times, but I had so much fun doing it, I am going to buy the DVD's and make Zumba a daily part of my life.

13. My dad is my hero. I have always had a good relationship with my dad, but I have felt for some reason over the past year it has become a great relationship and I have learned that my dad is truly my hero, he is there for my no matter what.

14. I really like shooting guns. I went on a date a while ago and we shot guns and it was a TON of fun

15. Standing up for what you truly believe in can sometimes be hard, and sometimes you loose friends doing it, but at the end of the day being true to yourself is better than having crappy friends.

16. Sometimes things happen in life that I may not agree with, but there is nothing I can do about it so there is no point in worrying about it.

17. I'm really bad at blogging. I have good intentions of blogging at least once a month but it never happens.

18. My life if actually kind of boring, hence I don't ever blog because I have nothing to blog about...

19. My nephews are in point, or point in case...not sure which way it goes, anyways funny numro 1. some background, Kell was talking to a friend about all the weddings they are coming down to SA for this summer and Zane pipes in..."Ya and if Aunt Kiz (that's me) gets lucky she will get married too..." haha thanks Zane I know it was said with love. Funny numro 2. Rhett and Kell were picking out my bday card for this year, Rhett really wanted to find one with my bday number so he asked "how old is she turning" kell told him 26. Rhett..."hmm there aren't any with that number...there's one with a that close..?" gah! 50?! really haha I laughed when Kell told me the story.

20. you know your getting old when...people you use to babysit are starting to come into YSA. Its weird they are still 8 and I'm still 20.

21. I have an absolute solid testimony that my Saviour lives, that he loves me and that he is always there for me no matter the situation. It is amazing to have this testimony in my life.

22. Reading your scriptures daily really does make a difference in your life, as well as praying daily. My relationship with my Heavenly Father has become very real and very important to me.

23. I don't know what I would do without my family. They are so amazing and I couldn't ask for better.

24. going to a movie by yourself is actually not as bad as I thought it would be.

25. Wow I made it to 25. I have honestly discovered and learned this past year that I love me for me and if people don't well then they don't need to be in my life.

Turning 25 I thought my life was over, but I learned a lot and I am grateful for the experiences that I had. It wasn't always easy and there were a lot of tears, but I have high hopes for 26 I feel like it is going to be a great year. Stay tuned, maybe I will become less boring this year and actually post more.

- Kinsey