I was thinking today that I haven't blogged for a really long time and realized I had some catching up to do. So things that have happened in the last couple of weeks....
Well 2 Saturdays ago now me and some friends decided to get out of town and go to Waterton which is one of my FAVORITE places on earth. I was all excited about it and suggested that we climb Bears Hump (which is not like me because I HATE climbing Bears Hump but I really wanted to see the view. The hike sucks but the view is totally worth it). Anyways so a few of us jumped in the Jeep and headed out there. Once we were there we went to Bears Hump first and off we were climbing. Well I had taken about 5 steps when all the sudden breathing was becoming an issue for me, so I stopped, turned around and went back to the Jeep to grab my inhaler. A couple months ago I got diagnosed with having Asthma. I didn't know that was something that showed up later in life but apparently it is. So I got back to the Jeep grabbed my inhaler took it and started back up the mountain. Well I got back to where everyone had stopped to wait for me and took about 10 steps this time and once again could not breath. I was not impressed. I mean I know I'm out of shape but come on I'm not that out of shape. So thanks to my new friend Asthma I was unable to climb bears hump and sent my friends on without me. So I went and sat at the lake and watched people which is one of my favorite things to do anyways. Some people are honestly so funny to watch. I had the pleasure of watching some oriental lady do some cung fu moves all around the lake. It was pretty entertaining.
Once all my friends were back from climbing bears hump we went and did the classic pictures by Cameron Falls and then we went and ate at Winners of Waterton. OH MY GOODNESS I know its just a hot dog but it was soooo good. Highly recommend going, its over by the Subway. It was really good. So once everyone was nice and full we headed off to Cameron Lake and hung out there for a bit. I was a little bit sad however because Red Rock Canyon which is by far my favorite place in Waterton is getting new washrooms or something up there so you aren't able to park up there and where you can park its like a 5 mile walk I swear just to get there. But we drove up there anyways. You can't go to Waterton and not go down that road. I don't know about anyone else but I love to drive down that road going really fast it feels like your on a roller coaster. There is one hill in particular that makes the road so enjoyable. In fact we may have gone over it turned around and done it again a few times. And last but not least we had a dance party on the side of the road in Waterton. "Tonights Gunna be a Good Night" came on, there is just no getting around it, you have to dance to that song, so we did and it was a blast.
So that night we had got tickets to go see John Schmidt (he's an amazing piano player for those of you who don't know who he is. I had no clue who he was before this). The concert was amazing. I loved every minute of it.
Well that was it for that week and then this past weekend we went to Thunder in The Valley. Im beginning to wonder if it is truly worth it anymore. I mean the fire works are amazing but its such a long drive especially at 11:30 at night when you still have to make it back to Lethbridge and it seemed like there were a ton more drunk people this year than normal. Anyways it was a good time. We got there a little bit early and hung out around the town for a bit. On the way back to the car however (which was like a 20 minute walk at least) I had to pee so bad and could no longer hold it, so being the girl that I am, and not being afraid to squat pee outside I did just that. I went behind the rail road tracks, made sure no one was coming and squatted. It was kinda funny though, just as I was pulling up my pants and doing up my belt a group of people with a flash light were walking my direction. I made it just in the lick of time. Things could have gotten a little bit awkward. So once we got home at 2:00am I was getting a ride back to my Jeep with Hunter who was on a motor bike. Let me tell you 2:00am on a motor bike flying down the West side hill is really cold. I was freezing! But it was worth it.
Well it been a good couple of weeks and Im going to try harder to write on this thing more. Stay tuned.